Sunday 8 July 2012

My Masterpieeece.... :p

 That's my Li'l Turtle....
 Ammm my li'l turtle has been playing in the mud in search of the tiny twig he's holding in his mouth... That should explain the muddy feet contrasting it's fair face :D

I have been sketching for a few years now but with pencil only... I donno why but I've always liked my creations black and white.... This is my first try with colours; oil colours.... Hope it's a good try....


  1. li'l turtle is so cute. And this is nice attempt

  2. Donno how and why are comments on my blog getting deleted.... :(

  3. nice one.

    Try to make story like this guy

  4. thank u sir :) yes i was reading that, and its a gud one, i'll try to focus on writing nw as well :)
